Monday, August 6, 2018


I recommended the Needles Hwy so much that I had to do it again, this time from south to north. There was a group of bikes come past from the other direction then just around the corner there was a deer standing in the middle of the road, she must have waited for the Harleys to go past then walk across the road. We watched her walk off into the trees. As we arrived at the eye of the needle a mountain goat and it's kid walked down off the hill, through the bikes and headed for the tunnel. There were bikes coming through so they were pushed through a gap in the rocks and away.
We booked in at Deadwood (in the Presidential Suite) and waited for the Priors to arrive. It was a trolley bus into main st for a drink or two, or four before tea at Mustang Sally's with desert at Dairy Queen before a trolley bus home.

1 comment:

  1. If she puts her arms out are they as wide as a ping pong table?
