Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Back in Kiwi land

Tue 28th
Our plane landed at about 06.00 an hour late, we should still be able to reach our 08.00 flight if we're quick. By the time we went through baggage claim and passed our way through customs the chance was slim. I had the luggage on a trolley and had to run it to the domestic terminal, to be told it was too late to load it. The first flight offered was 15.00, we were gutted.
The attendant came back to us with a chance of flying at 11.00, we were on standby.
Air New Zealand did give us enough complementry vouchers for us to get a good feed before we went to wait. Luckily there was 3 people that didn't turn up for their flight and we were on our way. Landing in Christchurch had us a step closer to home, we just had to claim our baggage again and check in to see what flight we would get to Invercargill. It turns out we're on the next flight at 14.25 and land at 16.05.
After 26 plus hours since arriving at LAX, it was great to be home again, Douglas cooked our dinner for us, Butter Chicken and rice, well done Douglas it was yummy,
It was early to bed, and a great sleep in our comfy bed.

1 comment:

  1. welcome back guys, read this again when you get back from Oz :)
