Sunday, August 26, 2018

Buena Park

Sat 25th

Today is our relaxing day, we spent 2 hours in the pool (because all our clothes were in the wash) and it turns out that being in the sun that long turns me into a lobster.
We generally had a lazy day (we might have done something if we had wheels) waiting for Margaret to arrive.
When she arrived both Margaret, Vicki and I were happy to be re-united. It was cool to meet the Koru Care kids and the wonderfull team that organise and look after them. Once the shade hit the pool (about 4.30) I could go back in the water.
Vicki and I took Margaret out for dinner. The uber took 1/2 an hour to arrive and when we got to Rock and Brews there was an hours wait. We re-caught our Uber and he took us for a ride and to our location as well. We had a great meal at Chilli's although the effects of Margaret's flight were stating to show. Margaret got to bed about 9.30, a big day.

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